Environmentally Friendly Practice Policy


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North Wood Group Practice is committed to reducing its carbon footprint on an ongoing basis.

Sustainability is a core focus of how the Practice delivers its services. The Partners and Senior Management Team are committed to this focus becoming an integral part of all service delivery. Ongoing discussions will take place with the broader team to ensure the Practice sustainability vision and strategy remains at the forefront of all working Practices.

Reducing the carbon footprint of practices, has been determined to not only mitigate climate change, it can potentially improve patient health, reduce workload and save money. Inactivity and obesity-related conditions can be tackled by promoting active travel, which can also reduce harm caused by air pollution. Reducing inappropriate prescribing and switching to low carbon alternatives, can also reduce harm and improve health (ref: BMA 2023).

The Practice has developed a Sustainability Strategy in consultation with the whole Practice team. Many initiatives were proposed by team members. This has also been shared with the Patient Participation Group.

Existing Initiatives:

  1. Solar panels installed at the Crown Dale Branch
  2. Bike to work scheme on offer to all team members
  3. Bike storage available at both Practice Branches
  4. Energy efficient building at the Crown Dale Branch through new build, meeting the required BREAM standards
  5. Two electric charging points for electric vehicles installed at the Crown Dale Branch
  6. Active garden spaces at both Branches, Tulse Hill Branch has two flower beds, Crown Dale Branch has three planters and ongoing planting within the garden area
  7. Food grown within the planters at the Crown Dale Branch to contribute to a ‘garden to table’ approach
  8. E-prescribing - prescriptions are rarely printed
  9. Reminders to all staff to turn off lights when an area of the building is not in use e.g. Kitchen / Staff Room
  10. Turning off computer monitors at night
  11. Implementation of toner recycling
  12. Notes request sent via secure email as opposed to being printed
  13. Social Prescribing as a Practice ethos - encouraged as an alternative to medical prescriptions for patients who are socially isolated and or depressed
  14. Implementation of Walking and Gardening Clubs to support Social Prescribing
  15. Utilising recycled paper for all paper requirements
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