Confidentiality Policy


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Adult Confidentiality Policy

Everyone has the right to privacy and confidentiality. All our staff have access to patient information at various levels. They all receive training aimed at ensuring confidentiality is maintained throughout the surgery at all times. Should the occasion arise that you wish to speak to a receptionist in private, please ask and we will do our utmost to accommodate your request.

In line with the above, we are unable to disclose any information regarding a patient, unless they are deemed a minor, to anyone other than the patient themselves, unless written consent is given that this disclosure can be made.

Please do not be offended if you are refused information regarding another patient, even if they are a family member or close friend. We have all of our patients’ best interests at heart.

How we keep your records confidential?

Everyone working for the NHS has a legal duty to keep information about you confidential.

Who are our partner organisations?

We may share information with the following main partner organisations:

  • Strategic Health Authorities
  • NHS Trusts
  • Ambulance Services

We may also share your information, subject to strict agreement about how it will be used and with your consent, with:

  • Social Services
  • Education Services
  • Local Authorities e.g. housing
  • Voluntary Sector Providers
  • Private Sector Providers

Why do we collect information about you?

  • Your doctor and the team of healthcare professionals (nurses, osteopaths and counselling therapists for example) caring for you, keep records about your health and any treatment and care you receive from the NHS
  • These records help to ensure that you receive the best possible care now and in the future
  • Secretaries, receptionists and other clerical staff need access to some of your records in order to do administrative tasks such as booking appointments and communicating with you and other parts of the NHS

How can you access your health records?

  • You have the right of access to the information we hold about you on our records
  • Going forward you can access your patient record via the NHS App
  • If you require information from your records (that you cannot access from the NHS App), then please apply in writing.
  • Our guiding principle is that we are holding your records in strict confidence.

Teenage Confidentiality Policy

The principles of confidentiality apply equally to all patients regardless of age. Young people (including those under 16) are entitled to equal confidentiality as all other patients. This includes respecting their wishes to withhold information from parents or guardians. The GP involved will determine the competency of a young person seeking treatment and will determine the extent to which confidentiality guidelines apply in each case.

Any young person regardless of age can independently seek medical advice or treatment, including surgical procedures, if a health professional believes that they are capable of understanding the choices of treatment and their consequences. This includes contraceptive advice, but the principles apply to other treatments, including abortion.

The policy of the Practice is to support young people in exercising their choice of medical treatment, and to deal with them in a sympathetic and confidential manner. Where a young person presents at the surgery without adult support they may be booked in to see a clinician in the normal way. Where there is some question of the urgency of an appointment the matter should be referred to a nurse in the first instance to triage the request.

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